Connection Between Macrocosm and Microcosm: How our environment and the state of the world shapes our health
In Sri Vidya Tantra there is a saying that says-everything that exists in the world, exists within you. Everything that exists within you, exists within the world.This suggests that the patterns, energies, and elements present in the cosmos are also reflected within your being. This saying also carries a sense of responsibility. It implies that as you shape your inner world through thoughts, emotions, and intentions, you also have a role in shaping the world around you. Your actions and choices contribute to the collective reality.
The Gut-Brain Connection: Optimizing Digestion for Emotional Resilience & Abundant Energy
The last few decades have ushered in a paradigm shift in our understanding of the profound interconnectivity within the human body, central to which lies the gut-brain axis—a complex communication network that intricately links the enteric nervous system of the gut with the central nervous system. Pioneering research in this domain has illuminated how this bidirectional highway facilitates a continuous dialogue that not only regulates digestive processes but also significantly impacts mental and emotional well-being.
How Our Subconscious Beliefs Shape Our Reality
Have you ever found yourself in the same situation again and again, even after saying to yourself that you would never do xyz thing again? What is that about? Why do we keep finding ourselves in the same situation- even though we have a dislike for it? Often, our actions and choices are influenced by unconscious patterns and habits that we've developed over time. These patterns can be deeply ingrained, making it challenging to break free from them even when we consciously desire change.